Terms of Use for Celebrities

Using Our Website as a Celebrity

By using our website as a celebrity, you agree to these terms – please read them carefully.

These Terms of Use for Celebrities are additional terms that apply if you use Okay.com.gr as a creator. These Terms of Use for Creators are part of your agreement with us.

In these Terms of Use for Celebrities, defined terms have the same meanings given to them in the Terms of Use. Additionally:
– “VAT” refers to value-added tax and any other tax imposed additionally or in place of it at the imposed rate and any equivalent or similar state, federal, provincial, or municipal indirect tax, duty, levy, or charge in any other jurisdiction.
– “Tax” includes all forms of tax and legislative government state federal provincial local or municipal levies, duties, charges, contributions, withholdings, or obligations wherever required or any other jurisdiction.

Other terms that apply to your use of Okay.com.gr:
The following terms also apply to your use of Okay.com.gr and you agree to them:
– Terms of Use
– Community Terms
– Privacy Policy
– Creating Ads
– Standard Contract Between Fan and Celebrity

Additional terms that may apply to your use of Okay.com.gr:
The following additional terms may apply to your use of Okay.com.gr:
– If you are established or reside in the European Union, the United Kingdom, or third countries or countries outside the European Union, then the Platform Regulations for Businesses will also apply to you.
– If you are also a fan, the Terms of Use for Fans will also apply to your use of Okay.com.gr as a fan.

Charges for Creators for Using Okay.com.gr

We charge you a fee of twenty percent (20%) of all fan payments made to you (excluding any VAT element of the fan payment) (called our fee). The remaining eighty percent (80%) of the fan payment (excluding any VAT element of the fan payment) is payable to you (called “Celebrity Earnings”). Our fee includes the cost of providing maintenance and operation of Okay.com.gr and storing your Content. Our fee is deducted from your fan payment.

Setting Up Your Account as a Creator Account

To set up your account as a creator account:
1. Upload a valid form of identification and two photos of yourself according to the requirements specified here.
2. Add a bank account or payment details of your bank account or a payment method on your user account page.
3. Choose one of the available methods provided by Okay.com.gr regarding how creator earnings are transferred to you. These methods are called Payment Options.
4. If you are registered for VAT, provide us with your valid VAT number.
5. You may need to submit additional information depending on the country where you live.
6. We may ask for additional age or identity verification information at any time. We may reject your application to create a creator account for any reason, including reasons specified here.

Once your account is set up as a creator account, if you want to charge your fans a monthly subscription, you must set the subscription price for your fans within the range allowed by Okay.com.gr. You can then start adding content, and users can subscribe to your account to become your fans.

If you lose access to your account, you can reset your password but will need to know the email address used to set up the account to do so. If you do not remember the email address used to create the account, we may ask you to provide identification documents and photos and any additional details we may reasonably require to prove your identity.

Personal Legal Responsibility of Creators

Only individuals can be creators. Each creator is personally bound by the Terms of Service. If you have an agent, management company, or another third party assisting you with operating your creator account (or operating it on your behalf), this does not affect your personal legal responsibility. Our relationship is with you and not with any third party, and you will be legally responsible for ensuring that all content posted and all use of your account complies with the Terms of Service.

Fan/Creator Transactions

This section describes the terms that apply to fan/creator transactions:
– All fan/creator transactions are contracts between fans and creators according to the terms of the standard contract between fans and the creator. Although we facilitate fan/creator transactions by providing the Okay.com.gr platform and storing content, we are not parties to the standard contract between fans and the creator or any other contract that may exist between a fan and the creator and are not responsible for any fan/creator transaction.
– Fan payments do not include VAT, which is added at the applicable rate for fan payments.
– When you receive confirmation from Okay.com.gr either on your account’s “Status” page or via email (or both) that the fan/creator transaction has been confirmed, you must perform the part of that fan/creator transaction (for example, allowing the fan to view the content on your creator account or providing the custom content that the fan is paying for or allowing the fan to use the paid fan interaction feature (as applicable)). You agree to indemnify us for any breach of this obligation by you (which means you will be responsible for any loss or damage (including loss of profit) we suffer as a result of your failure to comply with this obligation).

Content – General Terms

In addition to the terms set out elsewhere in the Terms of Service (particularly the Acceptable Use Policy), the following terms apply to content posted, displayed, uploaded, or published by you as a creator on Okay.com.gr:
– Your content is not confidential and you authorize your fans to access and view your content on Okay.com.gr for their lawful and personal use, and in accordance with any licenses you grant to your fans.
– You warrant (which means you make a legally enforceable promise to us) that for each piece of content you post, display, upload, or publish on Okay.com.gr:
– The content fully complies with the Terms of Service (and particularly the Acceptable Use Policy).
– You have all necessary rights to license and deal in your content for Okay.com.gr, including in every territory where you have fans.
– You either own your content (and all intellectual property rights in it) or have a valid license to offer and provide your content to your fans.
– If your content includes or uses third-party material, you have secured all rights, licenses, written consents, and releases necessary for the use of such third-party property in your content and the subsequent use and exploitation of that content on Okay.com.gr.
– The content is:
– Of satisfactory quality, considering any description of the content, the price, and all other relevant circumstances, including any statements or representations you make about the nature of the content on your account or in any advertising.
– Reasonably fit for any purpose for which the fan has made known to you that the fan is using the content.
– As described by you.

You agree that you will be responsible to us and indemnify us if any of the warranties in section 9(b) is false. This means you will be responsible for any loss or damage (including loss of profit) we suffer as a result of any of the warranties being false.

We are not responsible for and do not endorse any aspect of any content posted by you or any other user of Okay.com.gr. We have no obligation to monitor any content and do not have direct control over what your content may include.

You also agree to act as a custodian of records for content you upload to Okay.com.gr.

Advertising on Okay.com.gr

If you post or upload video content to your creator account that is designed to promote directly or indirectly the goods, services, or image of a third party in exchange for payment or other valuable consideration or for self-promotion purposes (including advertising, sponsorship, and product placement) (together “advertising content”), then you must comply with the requirements set out in sections 10(b) and (c) of these Terms of Use for Creators.

Requirements – Advertising Content

You must ensure that any advertising content you post on your creator account does not:
– Undermine respect for human dignity.
– Include or promote discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, disability, age, or sexual orientation.
– Encourage behavior harmful to health or safety.
– Encourage behavior that is grossly harmful to the protection of the environment.
– Cause physical, mental, or moral harm to any person.
– Directly encourage individuals to buy or rent goods or services in a manner that exploits their inexperience or credulity.
– Directly encourage individuals to persuade others to buy or rent goods or services.
– Exploit the trust of persons in others.
– Show unjustified persons in dangerous situations.
– Advertise cigarettes and other tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and e-cigarette refill containers, illegal drugs, or any prescription-only medicine.
– Advertise, promote, or facilitate illegal gambling.
– In relation to any advertising content for alcoholic beverages, it must not be directed at minors and must not encourage excessive consumption of alcohol.

Shared Content

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Okay.com.gr maintains a strict policy to protect the privacy of website visitors. We will save your cookie choices and apply them wherever you log in to Okay and wherever you use your accounts to log in to other Okay services. Cookies are required for the use of Okay.com.gr services.

“Cookies” are small files with information that a website (specifically the web server) stores on a user’s computer, so that every time the user connects to the website, the latter retrieves the information in question and offers the user related to these services. A typical example of such information is the user’s preferences on a website, as indicated by the choices the user makes on the specific website (e.g. selection of specific “buttons”, searches, advertisements, etc.).

Strictly necessary cookies are essential for the website to function properly. They allow you to browse Okay.com.gr and use its functions, such as accessing secure areas or using the shopping cart. They do not recognize your individual identity in any way. Without them, at Okay.com.gr we will not be able to offer you effective services.

At Okay.com.gr they are used to provide content that best suits you and your interests. They may be used to display targeted advertising/offers, limit ad impressions or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

You can continue to use Okay.com.gr to connect to other applications and websites.
We will use information from other apps and websites to serve you relevant ads, unless you have opted out of partners’ use of data for advertising or have otherwise restricted the use of information from other apps and websites by using either Advertising Preferences or your device settings. In this case we will continue to respect your choices.

You will be logged out of applications and websites where you use your Okay.com.gr account to log in. Also, you won’t be able to use your account to sign in to them again.
We will use limited information from other apps and websites for security and integrity reasons but will not use it to show you personalized ads.
We may continue to receive aggregated information about your activity on other applications and websites for measurement purposes but this will not include your personal cookie information.

We use tools from other companies for advertising and measurement services outside of the Okay.com.gr services, for analytics, to provide specific features and to improve our services for you. And these companies use cookies.

We will be able to better personalize ads for you outside of Okay.com.gr services and measure their performance
The operations of our services will not be affected
With the use of cookies, other companies will also receive your information.

We will not use cookies from other companies to help personalize advertisements intended for you outside of Okay.com.gr services or to measure their performance
Some features of the Okay.com.gr services may not work.


Ads Policy


Okay creates content and easy-to-use engines to create your ads. The ads we show on Okay are promoted based on the information we have about you and your activity.

  • The activity you and other users do
  • Information from Okay profiles
  • Content you create and how you interact with Okay
  • Activity from apps you use and websites you visit

To give you more control over the ads you see, we have a number of tools to manage your advertising experience.
Okay has created specific ad programs for businesses to choose the programs that suit them. Ads reach people who match a certain description. Based on their interests, age, gender, location, information about who visits your profile or business website.

Ads are reviewed for community rules before being activated.
Ads that contain:

  • Fake account, cyber security spam or inauthentic behavior, misinformation or account switching
  • Hate speech, violence and harsh content, nudity and adult sexual activity or offering sexual services for a fee
  • Violence and criminal behavior by dangerous individuals or organizations, coordination of harmful actions and promotion of criminal acts or restricted goods and services, deception and misrepresentation.
  • Suicide and self-harm, sexual exploitation and abuse of children and child nudity or sexual exploitation of adults, bullying and harassment, human exploitation and violations of privacy or intellectual property.

They are rejected and the profile of the creator of the ads is checked for spam or any traces of infringement.
In case the creator of the ads has created ads that violate the community rules then DELETE his profile.

After the approval of the advertisements, you also make their payment. In cases of cancellation of your ads, Okay does not refund the money but activates a new ad voucher for you with the money in your ad account balance. If the ads violate the community rules and have misled Okay’s ad center, then the money is NOT REFUNDED.


Privacy Policy

At Okay.com.gr, we want you to understand what kind of information we collect and how we use and share it. For this reason, we urge you to read its Privacy Policy.

In our Privacy Policy we explain how we collect, use, share, maintain and transmit information. We also explain what your rights are.

It’s important to us that you know how you can control your privacy, so we show you where you can manage your information in the settings of the Okay services you use.

What service does this policy cover?
This policy describes the information we process, for the provision of Okay.com.gr services. The services we refer to include the following:

  • okay.com.gr
  • messenger
  •  okay’s B2B tools

Some of our services have supplemental privacy policies that supplement the information provided in this policy.

The management and protection of the personal data of the website user is governed by the provisions of the current legislation regarding the protection of personal data, the decisions of the competent Authority and the present conditions.

Okay.com.gr will keep on file and process any personal data of the website users that come to its knowledge, taking at the same time every necessary measure in order to preserve the confidentiality of this information. Therefore, these data are never disclosed to third parties, unless this is required by the Law and/or the competent authorities. The processing of this data will only take place for communication, statistical or historical purposes, as well as for the purpose of improving the services provided, and for this the user provides his consent, which is presumed to exist by the use of the website alone. As long as no contrary order is received, Okay.com.gr is entitled to make use of users’ personal data for the purposes of remote advertising and promotion.

The website is not responsible for the content and services of other websites to which it refers through “links”, hyperlinks or advertising banners, nor does it guarantee their availability. Any problems that may arise when visiting/using the websites to which we refer are solely the responsibility of the respective websites. The reference to other websites is made for the convenience of users and in no case creates any form of commitment for anyone.

Users of the website who are minors may not access services that may be considered inappropriate for minors and that cannot be controlled.

Okay.com.gr reserves the right to change or modify the Privacy Policy at any time, without notifying users. Such changes, modifications, additions or deletions to the Privacy Policy will be effective immediately, i.e. upon their posting. Any use of the website after such change or modification shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the user of the changes, modifications, additions or deletions.

The information we collect and process depends on how you use our services. For example, we collect different information if you sell products and different information if you publish a post. On our services, you can send messages, take photos and videos, make purchases or sales, and much more. We call this “activity”.

We collect your activity and the information you provide, such as:

  • The content you create, e.g. posts, comments or audio content.
  • The content you provide through your camera feature or camera album settings or through our voice features. The messages you send and receive, as well as their content, in accordance with applicable law. We cannot see the content of end-to-end encrypted messages unless users report it to us for review.
  • Metadata related to content and messages, in accordance with applicable law.
  • The types of content you see or interact with, and how you interact with it.
  • The apps and features you use and what actions you take on them.
  • The hashtags you use.
  • The time, frequency and duration of your activities on our services.

Your views and interactions, in order to provide the Page administrator with aggregated information about users’ use of their Page and its content.


  • We collect information about the friends, followers, groups, accounts, and other users or communities with which you connect and interact. This includes how you interact with those connections on our services and which connections you interact with the most.
  • Information we collect about contacts.
  • We also collect your contact information, such as their name and email address or phone number, if you choose to upload or enter them from a device such as through address book synchronization.
  • We collect information about you based on the activity of other users.
  • We also infer information about you based on the activity of other users.

We collect and receive information from and about the various devices you use and how you use them.
The device information we collect and receive includes the following:

  • The device and software you use and other device characteristics.
  • What you are doing on your device, such as whether our app is running in the foreground or moving your mouse
  • Identifiers that differentiate your device from other users’ devices, including family device identifiers.
  • Information you have shared with us through device settings, such as GPS location, camera access, photos and related metadata.
  • Information about the network you connect your device to, including your IP address.
  • Information from cookies and similar technologies.

We collect and receive information from our Partners and third parties about various information about you and your activities inside and outside of our services.

  • Device information
  • Websites you visit and cookie data, such as through social plugins
  • Apps you use
  • Games you play
  • Purchases and transactions you make
  • Ads you see and how you interact with them
  • How you use our Partners’ products and services, both online and in person. Partners also share with us information such as your email address, cookies and device identifiers from which ads are served. This information helps us match your activities with your account, if you have one.
    Partners also share your communications with us if they ask us to provide services to their businesses, such as to help them manage their communication.


These Partners collect your information when you visit their website or app or use their services, or through other businesses or organizations they work with. Affiliates are required to have the right to collect, use and share your information before forwarding it to us.
We process certain information we receive from our Partners as a joint data controller.